Hi, my name is

Olena Dmytrenko

Experienced Front-End Developer

Passionate about building beautiful digital experiences.
Currently, as a freelance developer, I‘m focused on building accessible, human-centered products.

0.1. Where I‘ve Worked

  • Developed, maintained, and shipped production code for client websites primarily using React.JS, Next.JS, HTML,CSS, KendoUI library, JavaScript, and jQuery,
  • Performed quality assurance tests on various sites to ensure cross-browser compatibility and mobile responsiveness
  • Developed Custom Reusable React Components, Figma-> React Components
  • Improved UI and readablity of previously poorly-maintained code through code refactoring, optimization, and documentation
  • Took active part in redesigning and optimisation of SEREN - new Case Managemen System
  • Collaborated with designers and other developers to ensure consistent user experiences
  • Developed, maintained, and shipped production code for client websites primarily using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery
  • Optimized website loading time performance & SEO, which made BioxSystems website raise its ranks from 20 to 2 in Google
  • Developed over 50 Websites with Bootstrap Framework and WordPress/Woocommerce, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3
  • Clients include: BioxSystem LTD, FatPromotions.co.uk
  • Development work on inhouse CMS for government portals, maintenance, front-end enhancements, W3C usability and accessibility standards
  • Delivered high-quality, robust production code for a diverse array of projects for clients including Charles Sturt University (Sydney), Hornsby Shire Council (Sydney), Fairfax Weather and more
  • Built and delivered technical solutions according to stakeholder business requirements
  • CMS modules development (workflow, access levels, search) and set up incorporating XML, Java technology, machii MVC framework- powerful object oriented MVC framework for CFML, W3C development standards, UI development for various functional modules
  • Employers include: Universities Admission Center (UAC), Sydney, Hyro LTD (Brisbane), The Weather Company (Sydney), Reading Room (Sydney)

0.2. Some Things I‘ve Done

Hacker News with Next.js dynamic routs and React FramerMotion

Hacker News with Next.js dynamic routs and React FramerMotion

Making use of HackerNews API to display 3 types of stories in a Next.js dynamic rout, which are transitioned using FramerMotion library
  • React.JS
  • Next.JS
  • Bootstrap CSS
  • FramerMotion
Git Profile

Git Profile

My take on a git profile view with CSS grid and without use of media queries. We're capable of doing more and more with fewer lines of code and without writing a single @media rule. But, what should I say... media queries are not dead. We should use media queries to fix our layout when it breaks, rather than targeting devices.
  • React.JS
  • Next.JS
  • Grid CSS
Filtered Tree List

Filtered Tree List

Display posts on a tree view (expandable accordion), where posts are grouped by posting week. Clicking on each element, the user can see all details and a form where 'location' and 'author' fields can be edited. User can change the grouping type of the list. So instead of having a tree grouped by weeks, it could group it by 'author' or 'location'.
  • React.JS
  • Next.JS
  • Bootstrap
UI for Seren Case Management System

UI for Seren Case Management System

Developed UI for SEREN - online case management system for practitioners and teams to manage individual and group support work in the advocacy, community, or private sector.
  • React.JS
  • ASPX.net
  • Bootstrap
Kendo Dashboard

Kendo Dashboard

A simple demo Dshboard using some KendoUI components (Grid (with custom Cells, Column Ordering, Filtering), Drawer component for navigating.).
  • React.JS
  • KendoUI
  • SCSS

Some more happy clients:

0.3. What’s Next?

Don’t be shy! Feel free to get in touch.

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Designed & Built by Olena Dmytrenko